So I went under the gun again. First time in almost six years. I was just supposed to get the outlines done, but then his appointment after me canceled and I got a four hour session. The crook…
Category Archives: “Thoughts”
And then I ran out of gas.
After hanging out briefly with bax (good to see you man!) I was driving home along Red River and I ran out of gas. I pulled into a tiny apartment driveway and left a note on my…
The New Style
So tonight after roller derby me and Randall craved a really fresh cold beer. Our friends at the Side Bar were ready to…
Scattered notes
- 22:31 There is nothing quite as great as dogs and pickup trucks. #
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Scattered notes
- 09:50 I’m doing the Artist’s Way again, and this is the “no reading” week. I’m still on aim for talking, but I won’t be following links or feeds. #
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Scattered notes
- 11:31 Moral Quandry: I can get an a700 (big upgrade from current camera) for $835. Normally a $1100 camera on ebay. Yarg! #
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Scattered notes
- 11:25 Put up the photos from Arts and Draft’s one year anniversary on flickr: #
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Scattered notes
- 17:32 @Harvey1966 And with GTA IV in consumer hands, all work has ceased across the Uninted States. That is when the commies will invade. #
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Scattered notes
- 02:25 Ok, staying up later than I should no longer feels good. Or cool. I’m just going to go will the “I’m old, I’ll sleep now” feeling. #
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Scattered notes
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