In 2009 I embarked on a month long trip to visit lost friends. This Sigil was waiting for me in Seattle. It suggested a direction to me. A path. I fear I never found what it pointed to, or maybe I missed the next sign post. Sometimes you have to stop looking so hard and let the signs find you.
Author Archives: Nathan Black
Flower Meets the Bird
This was the second scene that caught my eye. The colors, the juxtaposition of paint and nature. I’d seen the graffiti before, but the flower had just grown up to meet it. It was just chance that allowed me the moment in time. Chance or fate. Or the other possibility, that it was laid in my path…
Form and Framing
The First Sign
This was the first Sigil I saw. It was just sitting there in the Bookpeople parking lot as I went to my truck. It looked like a crest from a fairy tale. A symbol of elfin civilizations long faded from this world. I felt self conscious looking at it. Like I had been told a secret in a public place and had to conceal my reaction.
Falling in Spring
In Texas, Fall comes twice. Half the trees shed their leaves early. The second half have the old leaves pushed off by new leaves when Spring comes. Even from the gutter this leaf called to me. How perfectly arranged, but by whom? The wind?
Photo taken, March 15, 2010
A flower tucked behind my ear.
This was tucked behind my ear by a pretty girl as I worked the door during SxSW. It fell from it’s post as I removed my sunglasses. I couldn’t help but look closer at the marvel given me when it fell on the bar towel.
Karloffian: This was my runner up idea for the hands idea. I’m really glad I went ahead and shot it too. I wanted to do a Boris Karloff menacing creature shot and I think I got it… Two Sony 56AM flashes, one over my hands with a larger Speedlight Prokit reflector/grid setup, and one on… Continue reading
Hot Texas Nights: Ok, I know this one is kind of cheating. I thought we were supposed to start on Thursday for some reason, so I did my first self portrait then. I’ve been thinking a lot about the style embodied in Noir film, and this is an attempt to capture that style. The lighting… Continue reading
Johnny Hootrock and Jigglewatts
I can see me in there!: To purchase a copy of this photo, please visit it at SmugMug