About Nathan Black

Ah, you know. I do stuff and stuff. Read the site, it'll fill you in on the rest.

This blog is about my life. I know every blog sort of is, but the sole content of this is to make notes about the life I lead and post anecdotes about my experience.

I’ve spent years behind desks working in the tech industry and testing and making video games. I’m between jobs right now, and honestly, this is when I’m happiest. I am much better with money when I don’t have any. I enjoy the fruits of having a flexible life. It gives me the opportunity to say yes to what ever may come up.

In previous bouts of “under-employment” I’ve traveled the country, driven giant neon signs cross country, worked in bars, visited Burning Man, taken up photography, skating, boxing, zazen, stunt work and spent a lot of time bumming around the town.

I’m a friendly guy, gregarious even, but I fight social anxiety and self doubt. I have a lot of acquaintances, but I let very few people in close. However, if you ask the questions, I’m likely to tell you about anything you want to know.

I have been talking to some of my friends who are smart creative types, and all of them have told me to start making notes about my experiences. Since they each mentioned it to me independently, I figured it couldn’t hurt. If it is interesting to them, maybe it could be interesting to other people.

So, hello, my name is Nathan Black, and this is my life.

A more direct artifice I have not seen yet. Clearly made into a display, broken, twisted. But to what end? What meaning is to be gleaned. I had not seen a sign in a while maybe I just missed a few and they felt they had to be more clear?


Some times I spot something and it speaks to me. A message in the street. This whispered in my ear that some times even a good tool could be over come by time, perseverance and the elements. The sharpest blade destroyed by being used for the wrong purpose.
